Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Beyond mere punishment

File this under "Things We Can't Blame on Racism."

I just read one of the most unbelievable stories ever:

A 5-year-old Los Angeles boy was fighting for his life today after suffering what police called one of the worst cases of child abuse they have seen, allegedly at the hands of his mother and her live-in girlfriend.

Police said the boy had countless cigarette burns all over his body, including his genitals, was unable to open his hands because he had been forced to put them flat on a hot stove, and was repeatedly beaten and forced to sit in his own urine.

What's worse is that these women deliberately tried to cover their tracks:

[They] brought a healthy child of a mutual friend to the appointment and tried to pass him off as [her] son, officials said. While [the women] were at DCS, a stranger found the boy abandoned and notified authorities, police said.

I was completely floored when I read this story. Obviously there is the element of torture to consider. I don't care what kind of behavioral issues this child may have had, no child deserves to be tortured; especially like this. Being a person who got his tail smacked on more than one occasion as a child, I'm not at all opposed to the occasional whoopin'. But the horrific punishment inflicted on this poor child does not constitute a whoopin' or anything comparable to one. Then I think of how these women tried to conceal the evidence of abuse by using another child to deceive child services. That to me is a clear indication that they were not out of their minds. They were well aware of their wrongdoing. Finally, I think of all the people who can't conceive children but would provide a far more loving environment; while these low lives are able to/allowed to pop out babies.

H/T to Avery from Stereo Describes My Scenario for the story.

**This Just In...**

No sooner than I could finish entering this post, Gina from What About Our Daughters just dropped a heart-wrenching post about a woman and her child being brutally slain in Minnesota. The assailants, two black teenagers (sigh...) beat their victims, stabbed them over 100 times and finished off the woman by smashing her head with a television.

Two teenage boys have been charged in the murders of a Minneapolis mother and her 10-year-old son.

The criminal charges detail a grisly scene. Police found three knives, a golf club and a television at the scene of the crime, all of which they believed were used as murder weapons. Court documents say blood was splattered all over the house and a toddler who was in the home at the time of the brutal murder was also splattered with blood. Police say Daniels was stabbed more than 100 times, Shepard died after being smashed in the head with the television.

I tell you: as more of these stories begin to surface, the less of an opponent I am of strapping people to The Chair. Of course, I won't presume to play God and determine who deserves what. But I can't say that I'd shed any tears for any of these monsters should they get their just desserts.


8 "Insiders" spoke their mind. Join in...:

Anonymous said...

I like to think that there is a special place in HELL for Monsters who abuse children in any form . These two females (top) were clever(eVil) enough to hide their doings,ITS COMING TO THEM !!!!God have mercy on their souls!
GOD BLESS THE children.


Anonymous said...

"Things we can't blame on racism"

You got that right. I'm sick to my stomach over this.

Anonymous said...

What's just as bad as these stories is the lack of attention they've received. I didn't hear about these stories until I came to your blog. What does that say about America's priorities in the news?

Andre said...

@ Greeny: I've never advocated the death penalty, but some people force me to REALLY re-examine my position.

Anonymous said...

Right on, J. Not to make this issue of black and white, but if the victims were white, these stories would've been breaking stories on CNN and Fox.

Andre said...

@ J and KC: While I feel like these incidents are indeed far more newsworthy than just showing up on blogs, I'm almost glad they didn't appear as frequently in the national news spotlight. The last thing we need right now is for the MSM to flash more pictures of the bad apples of our culture (these ign'ant black folks) on the screen. Monsters like this set progress back. I'd hate to give them fools any more attention than they deserve. For real!

Anonymous said...

"Right on, J. Not to make this issue of black and white, but if the victims were white, these stories would've been breaking stories on CNN and Fox."

Christ. I bet I could go back in the archive & find a number of similarly non-race-related posts that devolved into "whites get better treatment by the media" whining.

Babies & infants, black, white, whatever, are being tazed, put into microwaves, & kicked in the head 'til they die on the side of a road, on an almost daily basis, of which some may garner a headline on Yahoo or CNN for a couple of hours while the rest are limited to their respective localities, if reported on @ all. Why? None of this is shocking anymore. Desensitization has taken it's toll.

All this, then somebody has the audacity to say "more people would know/care if they were white" (I'm paraphrasing here)? WoW.
To use this as an example of media bias makes me think that somebody is fishing for evidence in all the wrong places.


Andre said...

"some may garner a headline on Yahoo or CNN for a couple of hours while the rest are limited to their respective localities, if reported on @ all. Why? None of this is shocking anymore. Desensitization has taken it's toll."

Riiiight. Tell that to the folks who continue to cover the Natalee Holloway case even to this day.

Nic, the missing white women syndrome is not something that was just conjured up out of thin air. Neither is the notion that violent crimes with white victims generate the most national attention.


As I said, I'm almost glad these stories didn't get much attention. The MSM has a hard time separating the victims from the crime. So what would've ultimately happened is that a few more dumb ass black criminals would've added more fuel to an already raging inferno of fear and prejudice towards blacks in general. I would've loved to see more attention given to the victims while leaving the criminals unnamed. But since the victims were a little too dark to be relevant, I guess that reasonable coverage wasn't likely to happen. Considering the increasing rate of victimization of black Americans - juxtaposed with the disproportionate coverage they receive, you can clearly see media bias just by tuning in to the evening news...