Friday, April 25, 2008

Better late than never (I guess...)

I think I need to be a little more prolific (and timely) with my blogging. Other bloggers seem to beat me to the punch about EVERYTHING these days.

Earlier this week, one of my boys and I were talking about Alicia Keys' recent conspiracy comments regarding the state of Hip Hop. After our discussion, I was prepared to form an argument in her defense. I was prepared to cite that -- while I thought she was wrong -- she certainly wasn't off base for her suspicions. Having just watched a segment on the History Channel about how the FBI historically attempted to subvert Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement, I was prepared to argue that her ideas were pretty justified. But then I found this video on J Smooth's site:

So once again, my attempts to be smart have been twarted by somebody else who got there first. I'm like the Christopher Columbus of the blogosphere (minus the whole slavery, rape, and genocide thing). I really need to get my act together.


2 "Insiders" spoke their mind. Join in...:

Anonymous said...

Ah, don't feel bad Andre. All that shows is that great minds think alike. That or you're both equally paranoid. Just jokes, man.

Kenya said...

I guess that my response is also "better late than never". :)

Both you and Jay raise a very good point. There really ARE records of corruption in even some of the highest places in this country. I think Keys is off base myself, but this system has enough dark shadows in its history to cause people to question them.