Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Newest Arrival

My work here is soooo done.

My homegirl Joslyn just started her own blog.

Visit soon. Visit often.


11 "Insiders" spoke their mind. Join in...:

Joslyn said...


I've already been inspired to write my first post...

Andre said...

Being the inspiration for your first post? With you, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

*Cue the thunder and lightning*

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Already done did. Visit Joslyn, that is. :-)

Love and hugs,


Joslyn said...


Anonymous said...

hmmm wow

The H.C. said...

I feel a new powerful presence in the force.

Andre said...

@ HC: I thought I felt it too. Turns out, it was just indigestion.

Joslyn said...


heiresschild said...

hey andre, i sent you an email asking for info re the new music players. you know anything about uploading the music to them? thanx.

Andre said...

@ Jos: What Craig?! You know I looove yo mama...

@ Heiress: By 'new players', what are you referring to? iPods/Mp3 players? Audio codes for HTML?

If you're referring to Internet-based players, I'm not sure how much I can provide assistance. I'm not very technically saavy. But I can do my best to see if I can help. Stay tuned...

heiresschild said...

you know what andre, i'm not even sure. i put one kind of player at the bottom of my blog, if you could check that out. i just don't know where to go for the music. this is how i'm learning stuff, either by asking or just figuring things out. i figured out how to put the player there, but i haven't figured out about uploading the music part. thanx.