Yep. MORE news
Hello all. Just when I was starting to think I can take a much deserved break from the news, it seems more and more mess has made its way into the headlines. Well, here's a roundup of some of the news shaping our world (some old, some not so old):
Craig likely to resigns
According to sources, Senator Larry "I'm not gay, but I somehow wound up in a pretty compromising gay position" Craig (R-ID) will likely has resigned after his involvement in one of the GOP's latest sex scandals. Just in case you haven't been following this story, pull up a chair. It's pretty amusing.
OK. Sen. Craig recently pled guilty to misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct stemming from his solicitation of sex from an undercover police officer. What makes the story even funnier is that it was done in a public restroom at an airport in Minnesota. If you think story is freakin' hilarious, you're not alone. This is further evidence that the GOP continues to implode from within because of how their self-righteousness is being pushed to the limits by their hypocrisy.
Gonzo splits
Speaking of resignations, US Attorney General Alberto "I don't recall" Gonzales has exited stage left (or would it be "stage right?"). Embattled by a barage of hearings about his questionable (albeit, legal) judicial and political tactics, Gonzales has thrown in the proverbial towel. I don't think that his resignation will spell the end of the Congressional investigations any time soon. But his time in the White House is over; so he says. As I've always maintained; in his defense, he didn't do anything illegal or nothing that the long fraternity of previous AG's haven't done themselves. But he's been misleading Congress time after time (some would say outright lying and I wouldn't be too far pressed to disagree) and finally got called on it.
Funny how everybody's "resigning" in this Administration. Wouldn't you agree?
Bush's Brain vandalized
That doesn't mean exactly what it says. That would be too easy of a shot against our dear feeble-minded Commander in Chief. Instead what I mean is that Karl Rove, Bush's mastermind and former Deputy Chief of Staff has been punked. Apparently while parked by the West Wing, Rove's Jaguar was wrapped in some sort of plastic by unknown pranksters. There was also a pro-Obama sticker on the vehicle.
On the one hand, I admit this is sorta funny. But overally, I'm a little concerned. I think that the vandals weren't pro-Obama. I think they are trying to sabotage his platform by making him guilty by association. Hello? Anybody remember Obama girl?
Nugent's killer music
As I just mentioned the possibility of conspiratorial moves made by anti-Obama activists, musician Ted Nugent publicly issued what I would consider a death threat to Senators Obama and Barbara Boxer (D-CA). During one of his concerts, he "jokingly" suggested sticking guns in their while brandishing what appeared to be assault rifles.
Fox News pundit Sean Hannity was quick to come to his defense. But I can assure you: if that had been a rapper saying those things about President Bush, all hell would've broken loose. I mean, you saw how much backlash Kanye West received after his "George Bush doesn't care about black people" comment, right?! I don't like Kanye West; and most of the right-winged nation hated him even more after his Bush comments. Can you imagine what would've happened if he told George Bush to suck on his rifle?
Companies comply with warrantless surveillance
According to reports and from testimony from National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell, companies in the private sector have been aiding the government in carrying out warrantless domestic spying. I was disappointed to hear that but in a way, I'm not suprised. Big business and the government have always been strolling through the park together; each with their hands in the other one's back pockets. I guess this is another reason why you should consider making your blog work-friendly, right?
"The Iraqi report"
Some time around the second week of September (if I estimate correctly, I'd say Sept. 11), General Patraues is slated to share his official report to Congress about the state of the Iraq conflict. Frankly, I don't see the point. Why not just let the White House do the reporting? I mean, it's not like they haven't already entertained the idea. Why get Petraues involved? Oh...that's right. Because it seems that he's now going to side with the Bush Administration.
I'm forever amazed at how people will play political games where the lives of innocent people are at stake. No wonder many of the troops we're supposed to be supporting are being killed; both by our enemies and by their own hands.
In a somewhat related note, am I the only person on the planet tired of Hillary Clinton lying about her support of/opposition to the war? If she and others like her would just come out and say they made a mistake, I think I'd be more likely to give them a pass.
Kid suspended for gun drawing
Sorry for the reference to Faux News, but this story was too good to pass up. Apparently, a 13-year-old kid was suspended from school because of his drawing of a gun. Though the picture didn't include any blood, bullets, or people; school officials considered the drawing threatening enough to take action against the student.
I guess that in light of Columbine, Virginia Tech, and the laundry list of other worldwide shootings school officials have been prompted to turn the schools into another police state. Better safe than sorry, right? I just hope that one day the schools will be as vigilant toward the dismal state of the educational system as a whole as they are about violence control.
Louisiana school bans racially-charged shirts
I found this article on BET of all places. The sky must be falling. At any rate, school officials in Louisiana are banning the student body from wearing "Free the Jena Six" t-shirts; worn in protest of the racist charges faced by six black youth in connection with assaulting on a white student. Citing "disruption"as the justification for the schools ban, students were prohibited from wearing the shirts on campus grounds.
I don't know about you; but I think it's ironic that the school district is far more vehement about banning t-shirts than they are about addressing the racially-charged issues that gave birth to the shirts in the first place. Where are the priorities?
I double dog dare anybody to say that racism is over and done with.
Well, that's it for now. As more news develops I'll try to keep you posted. Or not.